Dental Emergency

5 Critical Oral Cancer Facts

Dental Checkups Are Not Just About Cavities At Just Smiles, we urge people to come in twice a year for a dental examination and cleaning.  If you forego twice-yearly dental checkups because you don’t believe you have any cavities, perhaps getting an oral cancer screening is a more persuasive reason to see your dentist regularly. (While

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Is a Dental Bridge as Good as an Implant for a Knocked-out Tooth?

At Just Smiles, we treat dental emergencies such as a knocked-out tooth. Patients who have suffered an injury that either knocks out a tooth or severely damages the tooth have a couple of options for tooth replacement. In today’s message, we will discuss a tooth replacement option common in Columbus: dental bridges. Dental bridges aren’t

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Starting Chemo? How Are Your Teeth?

If you are scheduled for cancer treatment due to a recent diagnosis or relapse, oral health is probably not your first priority. However, the team at Just Smiles advises you to give some attention to your teeth to prevent or minimize common cancer-related dental complications. According to the National Institutes of Health, cancer treatment often

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Professional Teeth Whitening In Hilliard

A remarkable smile leaves a lasting impression. Professional teeth whitening can dramatically improve your overall appearance and give you a boost in self-confidence. Our teeth often turn yellow or gray as we age. The things we eat and drink continually such as colored sodas, coffee and red wine worsen the staining. Most individuals are aware

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What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Evolution isn’t always tidy and linear. For example, we have smaller jaws than our ancestors thousands of years ago, but most of our bodies haven’t adapted by generating fewer teeth. Two-thirds of us produce the same amount of teeth as early humans. These late-developing extra molars are called wisdom teeth and they pose unique oral

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Who Do You Call If You Have a Dental Emergency?

A dental emergency is any event in which damage to the teeth occurs and the patient needs urgent care. While a dental emergency may have never happened to you, it could happen in the future. Some things are too pressing to wait for an appointment. How do you know if you need to call for

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