A serious side effect of losing a tooth by extraction, accident, or disease is the potential for bone loss. This can be minimized, or even avoided outright, with a dental implant from Just Smiles General, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry in Hilliard.
The Alveolar Bone
The bone surrounding the teeth is called alveolar bone. Its main job is to support the teeth and provide a tough foundation for tooth roots. Normal mouth function maintains bone health. As you chew, it stimulates bone cells to consistently produce new bone.
What Can Cause Alveolar bone Loss?
When a tooth is lost, the bone where the tooth once was is at risk. The forces of chewing no longer stimulate the bone in that area. The bone begins to get narrower, then shorter.
Studies have shown that a considerable amount of alveolar bone loss can take place within six weeks of losing the tooth. Since it recedes so quickly, the sooner you can get an implant, the better. Unfortunately, conventional dentures do nothing to prevent bone loss. A dental implant, however, simulates the natural tooth root and stimulates the bone.
Whether it’s for one or more lost teeth, dental implants from Just Smiles General, Cosmetic & Implant Dentistry in Hilliard help to prevent bone loss. People from Columbus, Galloway, and Galena also come to us for complete restorative dentistry. Contact us today!
Contact Just Smiles Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
Locations (Tap Below To Open Your Office In Google Maps):
Just Smiles Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
1921 Hilliard Rome Rd
Hilliard, OH 43026
614-777-8668Just Smiles Family & Cosmetic Dentistry
656 N State St
Westerville, OH 43082